Wayne Griffiths renuncia como presidente de Anfac por la falta de acción del Gobierno en electromovilidad

Wayne Griffiths Se Harta De La Inaccion Del Gobierno En Jpg

Resignation of⁣ Wayne Griffiths as ⁢President of⁣ Anfac Amid Government Inaction

Wayne Griffiths has reached his limit ‍of patience. The president of the Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (Anfac) resigns from his position due to the government’s inaction in implementing‌ improvements to incentives for the purchase of electric ⁤vehicles and in boosting charging infrastructure.

Griffiths renewed his presidency in December with the government’s promise to be an ally of the sector and to quickly implement concrete and⁣ effective measures. However, those promises⁢ have not⁤ been fulfilled, leading to his disappointment and decision to resign from his ​position.

Griffiths’ Resignation

As ⁤President of Seat and Cupra, Griffiths communicated his⁣ irrevocable⁤ resignation from the​ presidency of Anfac during the Board ​of Directors and ‍General Assembly held​ at the association’s headquarters. Griffiths had been serving as the president ‍of the association since January 2022.

In his speech at the Anfac⁢ Board of Directors and General Assembly, Griffiths highlighted the progress made with the implementation and ⁣resolution of various calls for the VEC Strategic Project. Despite laying the groundwork for the future of the automotive ‍industry in Spain, he emphasized the lack of measures to boost the market for electrified vehicles and their⁢ development, as ⁣outlined in the 2023-2025 Roadmap presented by the association.

Insufficient Government Action

Griffiths reiterated the ⁣government’s⁢ commitment to the sector made in February. He pointed out⁢ the lack of action in supporting the electric vehicle market and infrastructure development, as well as the continuity of the Moves III⁢ Plan, which ends on July 31, and the conclusion of Moves Mitma on ‌April 30.

Griffiths reminded the government of the⁣ promise made to the sector in ‍February. A month ⁢later, during Seat’s results presentation in‍ March,‍ he urged the government to show determination in electric mobility, ‍enhance charging infrastructure, and​ revise incentive programs for these models.

Market Challenges

Griffiths highlighted the current state of the market for electrified vehicles in⁣ Spain, which‌ has stagnated at a 10%⁤ share ⁢of total ⁢vehicles ‌sold until May of this year. He emphasized the need for Spain to progress at a faster rate to meet the ‌target of exceeding a 25% share of electrified vehicles. However,‍ Spain currently lags⁤ behind other European countries in the penetration⁣ of these models.

Despite an increase in registrations of ​fully electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles ⁢in Spain compared ⁣to the⁣ previous year, the ⁤market share remains low. Spain’s slow progress in‌ this area places it at the ‍bottom of ‌European countries, alongside ⁣Italy.

Wayne ⁣Griffiths will continue to serve as President of Anfac until a successor is appointed by the association’s Board of Directors and General Assembly. However, without sufficient support, concrete measures, and a genuine commitment from political representatives, Griffiths believes he can no longer contribute effectively ‌in his ⁢role as President of Anfac.

Las marcas respaldan la renuncia de Wayne Griffiths como presidente de ​Anfac

Una‍ carta firmada por 58 ⁣marcas asociadas a Anfac apoya la decisión ⁢de ‍Wayne‍ Griffiths. ⁣Estas​ marcas reconocen su compromiso con ‌la reducción de emisiones y la defensa de la industria automotriz y sus empleados.

Los ⁤socios de Anfac señalan que ⁢los planes de ayuda se están agotando, lo que genera incertidumbre entre los consumidores. Además, ‍critican la falta de infraestructura de recarga pública para cumplir con los requisitos de ‍la normativa europea y española.

Necesidad de⁤ medidas urgentes

Las marcas ‌automotrices exigen medidas urgentes para impulsar la electromovilidad en España. Los fabricantes están comprometidos ‍con la transición hacia vehículos más ⁤sostenibles ​y eficientes, pero necesitan un marco regulatorio claro y apoyo‍ gubernamental para alcanzar sus metas ambientales.

Retos para el sector automotriz

El sector automotriz se enfrenta a desafíos significativos en términos de innovación y‌ sostenibilidad. La falta de incentivos y la ‌infraestructura inadecuada dificultan​ la adopción masiva de vehículos eléctricos en el mercado español. Es⁢ fundamental que las autoridades‍ tomen medidas concretas para⁣ promover la movilidad eléctrica y‍ reducir las ‌emisiones contaminantes.


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Características‌ del Ineos Fusilier 2025

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Descubre más⁤ sobre el‍ Ineos Fusilier 2025 y sus innovaciones que lo convierten en una opción atractiva para los amantes de la aventura y la tecnología en el⁢ mundo automotriz. ¡No‌ te pierdas la oportunidad de experimentar todo lo que este increíble vehículo tiene para ofrecer!

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Jose A. Morales

Hola! Soy Jose Antonio. Apasionado de los caballos (del coche). Déjame guiarte por los coches más impresionantes del mercado. Conoce de primera mano todas mis opiniones sobre las últimas novedades y los nuevos modelos híbridos y eléctricos.


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